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Abyssal Specter - FOIL
Air Elemental - FOIL
Aladdin's Ring - FOIL
Ambition's Cost - FOIL
Anaba Shaman - FOIL
Angel of Mercy - FOIL
Angelic Page - FOIL
Archivist - FOIL
Ardent Militia - FOIL
Avatar of Hope - FOIL
Aven Cloudchaser - FOIL
Aven Fisher - FOIL
Aven Flock - FOIL
Balance of Power - FOIL
Balduvian Barbarians - FOIL
Beast of Burden - FOIL
Birds of Paradise - FOIL
Blanchwood Armor - FOIL
Blaze - FOIL
Blessed Reversal - FOIL
Blinding Angel - FOIL
Blood Moon - FOIL
Bloodshot Cyclops - FOIL
Bog Imp - FOIL
Bog Wraith - FOIL
Boil - FOIL
Boomerang - FOIL
Brass Herald - FOIL
Bribery - FOIL
Call of the Wild - FOIL
Canopy Spider - FOIL
Canyon Wildcat - FOIL
Carrion Wall - FOIL
Catalog - FOIL
Chastise - FOIL
Choke - FOIL
Cinder Wall - FOIL
Circle of Protection: Black - FOIL
Circle of Protection: Blue - FOIL
Circle of Protection: Green - FOIL
Circle of Protection: Red - FOIL
Circle of Protection: White - FOIL
City of Brass - FOIL
Coastal Hornclaw - FOIL
Coastal Piracy - FOIL
Coastal Tower - FOIL
Coat of Arms - FOIL
Coercion - FOIL
Collective Unconscious - FOIL
Concentrate - FOIL
Confiscate - FOIL
Coral Eel - FOIL
Cowardice - FOIL
Craw Wurm - FOIL
Creeping Mold - FOIL
Crossbow Infantry - FOIL
Crystal Rod - FOIL
Curiosity - FOIL
Daring Apprentice - FOIL
Dark Banishing - FOIL
Death Pit Offering - FOIL
Death Pits of Rath - FOIL
Deathgazer - FOIL
Deepwood Ghoul - FOIL
Defense Grid - FOIL
Deflection - FOIL
Dehydration - FOIL
Demolish - FOIL
Demystify - FOIL
Diabolic Tutor - FOIL
Dingus Egg - FOIL
Disrupting Scepter - FOIL
Distorting Lens - FOIL
Diving Griffin - FOIL
Drudge Skeletons - FOIL
Dusk Imp - FOIL
Dwarven Demolition Team - FOIL
Eastern Paladin - FOIL
Elfhame Palace - FOIL
Elite Archers - FOIL
Elite Javelineer - FOIL
Elvish Champion - FOIL
Elvish Lyrist - FOIL
Elvish Pioneer - FOIL
Elvish Piper - FOIL
Elvish Scrapper - FOIL
Emperor Crocodile - FOIL
Enrage - FOIL
Ensnaring Bridge - FOIL
Evacuation - FOIL
Execute - FOIL
Fallen Angel - FOIL
Fear - FOIL
Fecundity - FOIL
Fertile Ground - FOIL
Fighting Drake - FOIL
Flash Counter - FOIL
Flashfires - FOIL
Fleeting Image - FOIL
Flight - FOIL
Flying Carpet - FOIL
Fodder Cannon - FOIL
Foratog - FOIL
Forest - FOIL
Fugitive Wizard - FOIL
Fungusaur - FOIL
Furnace of Rath - FOIL
Fyndhorn Elder - FOIL
Gaea's Herald - FOIL
Giant Badger - FOIL
Giant Cockroach - FOIL
Giant Growth - FOIL
Giant Spider - FOIL
Glorious Anthem - FOIL
Glory Seeker - FOIL
Gluttonous Zombie - FOIL
Goblin Chariot - FOIL
Goblin Glider - FOIL
Goblin King - FOIL
Goblin Raider - FOIL
Grave Pact - FOIL
Gravedigger - FOIL
Grizzly Bears - FOIL
Guerrilla Tactics - FOIL
Hammer of Bogardan - FOIL
Healing Salve - FOIL
Hibernation - FOIL
Hill Giant - FOIL
Holy Day - FOIL
Holy Strength - FOIL
Honor Guard - FOIL
Horned Troll - FOIL
Horned Turtle - FOIL
Howling Mine - FOIL
Hulking Cyclops - FOIL
Hunted Wumpus - FOIL
Index - FOIL
Inferno - FOIL
Inspiration - FOIL
Intrepid Hero - FOIL
Intruder Alarm - FOIL
Invisibility - FOIL
Iron Star - FOIL
Island - FOIL
Ivory Cup - FOIL
Ivory Mask - FOIL
Jayemdae Tome - FOIL
Karma - FOIL
Larceny - FOIL
Lava Axe - FOIL
Lava Hounds - FOIL
Lesser Gargadon - FOIL
Lhurgoyf - FOIL
Lightning Blast - FOIL
Lightning Elemental - FOIL
Living Terrain - FOIL
Llanowar Behemoth - FOIL
Lone Wolf - FOIL
Looming Shade - FOIL
Lord of the Undead - FOIL
Lure - FOIL
Maggot Carrier - FOIL
Mahamoti Djinn - FOIL
Mana Clash - FOIL
Mana Leak - FOIL
Maro - FOIL
Master Decoy - FOIL
Master Healer - FOIL
Megrim - FOIL
Merchant of Secrets - FOIL
Merchant Scroll - FOIL
Might of Oaks - FOIL
Millstone - FOIL
Mind Bend - FOIL
Mind Rot - FOIL
Mind Slash - FOIL
Mind Sludge - FOIL
Mogg Sentry - FOIL
Monstrous Growth - FOIL
Moss Monster - FOIL
Mountain - FOIL
Murderous Betrayal - FOIL
Nantuko Disciple - FOIL
Natural Affinity - FOIL
Naturalize - FOIL
Nausea - FOIL
Nekrataal - FOIL
Nightmare - FOIL
Noble Purpose - FOIL
Norwood Ranger - FOIL
Obliterate - FOIL
Ogre Taskmaster - FOIL
Okk - FOIL
Oracle's Attendants - FOIL
Orcish Artillery - FOIL
Orcish Spy - FOIL
Pacifism - FOIL
Panic Attack - FOIL
Patagia Golem - FOIL
Peach Garden Oath - FOIL
Persecute - FOIL
Phantom Warrior - FOIL
Phyrexian Arena - FOIL
Phyrexian Colossus - FOIL
Phyrexian Hulk - FOIL
Phyrexian Plaguelord - FOIL
Plague Beetle - FOIL
Plague Wind - FOIL
Plains - FOIL
Planar Portal - FOIL
Plow Under - FOIL
Primeval Force - FOIL
Primeval Shambler - FOIL
Puppeteer - FOIL
Pyroclasm - FOIL
Pyrotechnics - FOIL
Raging Goblin - FOIL
Rain of Blades - FOIL
Raise Dead - FOIL
Rampant Growth - FOIL
Ravenous Rats - FOIL
Razorfoot Griffin - FOIL
Redeem - FOIL
Reflexes - FOIL
Regeneration - FOIL
Relentless Assault - FOIL
Remove Soul - FOIL
Revive - FOIL
Rewind - FOIL
Rhox - FOIL
Ridgeline Rager - FOIL
Rod of Ruin - FOIL
Rolling Stones - FOIL
Royal Assassin - FOIL
Rukh Egg - FOIL
Rushwood Dryad - FOIL
Sabretooth Tiger - FOIL
Sacred Ground - FOIL
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