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Aegis of the Gods - FOIL
Aerial Formation - FOIL
Agent of Erebos - FOIL
Ajani's Presence - FOIL
Ajani, Mentor of Heroes - FOIL
Akroan Line Breaker - FOIL
Akroan Mastiff - FOIL
Armament of Nyx - FOIL
Armory of Iroas - FOIL
Aspect of Gorgon - FOIL
Athreos, God of Passage - FOIL
Banishing Light - FOIL
Bassara Tower Archer - FOIL
Battlefield Thaumaturge - FOIL
Bearer of the Heavens - FOIL
Bladetusk Boar - FOIL
Blinding Flare - FOIL
Bloodcrazed Hoplite - FOIL
Brain Maggot - FOIL
Cast into Darkness - FOIL
Chariot of Victory - FOIL
Cloaked Siren - FOIL
Colossal Heroics - FOIL
Consign to Dust - FOIL
Countermand - FOIL
Cruel Feeding - FOIL
Crystalline Nautilus - FOIL
Cyclops of Eternal Fury - FOIL
Dakra Mystic - FOIL
Daring Thief - FOIL
Dawnbringer Charioteers - FOIL
Deicide - FOIL
Desecration Plague - FOIL
Deserter's Quarters - FOIL
Desperate Stand - FOIL
Dictate of Erebos - FOIL
Dictate of Heliod - FOIL
Dictate of Karametra - FOIL
Dictate of Kruphix - FOIL
Dictate of the Twin Gods - FOIL
Disciple of Deceit - FOIL
Doomwake Giant - FOIL
Dreadbringer Lampads - FOIL
Eagle of the Watch - FOIL
Eidolon of Blossoms - FOIL
Eidolon of Rhetoric - FOIL
Eidolon of the Great Revel - FOIL
Extinguish All Hope - FOIL
Feast of Dreams - FOIL
Felhide Petrifier - FOIL
Flamespeaker's Will - FOIL
Fleetfeather Cockatrice - FOIL
Flurry of Horns - FOIL
Font of Fertility - FOIL
Font of Fortunes - FOIL
Font of Ire - FOIL
Font of Return - FOIL
Font of Vigor - FOIL
Forgeborn Oreads - FOIL
Gluttonous Cyclops - FOIL
Gnarled Scarhide - FOIL
Godhunter Octopus - FOIL
Godsend - FOIL
Gold-Forged Sentinel - FOIL
Golden Hind - FOIL
Goldenhide Ox - FOIL
Grim Guardian - FOIL
Hall of Triumph - FOIL
Harness by Force - FOIL
Harvestguard Alseids - FOIL
Heroes' Bane - FOIL
Hour of Need - FOIL
Hubris - FOIL
Humbler of Mortals - FOIL
Hydra Broodmaster - FOIL
Hypnotic Siren - FOIL
Interpret the Signs - FOIL
Iroas, God of Victory - FOIL
Keranos, God of Storms - FOIL
King Macar, the Gold-Cursed - FOIL
Kiora's Dismissal - FOIL
Knowledge and Power - FOIL
Kruphix's Insight - FOIL
Kruphix, God of Horizons - FOIL
Lagonna-Band Trailblazer - FOIL
Launch the Fleet - FOIL
Leonin Iconoclast - FOIL
Lightning Diadem - FOIL
Magma Spray - FOIL
Mana Confluence - FOIL
Market Festival - FOIL
Master of the Feast - FOIL
Mogis's Warhound - FOIL
Mortal Obstinacy - FOIL
Nature's Panoply - FOIL
Nessian Game Warden - FOIL
Nightmarish End - FOIL
Nyx Infusion - FOIL
Nyx Weaver - FOIL
Nyx-Fleece Ram - FOIL
Oakheart Dryads - FOIL
Oppressive Rays - FOIL
Oreskos Swiftclaw - FOIL
Pensive Minotaur - FOIL
Phalanx Formation - FOIL
Pharika's Chosen - FOIL
Pharika, God of Affliction - FOIL
Pheres-Band Thunderhoof - FOIL
Pheres-Band Warchief - FOIL
Pin to the Earth - FOIL
Polymorphous Rush - FOIL
Prophetic Flamespeaker - FOIL
Pull from the Deep - FOIL
Quarry Colossus - FOIL
Ravenous Leucrocota - FOIL
Renowned Weaver - FOIL
Reprisal - FOIL
Returned Reveler - FOIL
Revel of the Fallen God - FOIL
Reviving Melody - FOIL
Riddle of Lightning - FOIL
Riptide Chimera - FOIL
Rise of Eagles - FOIL
Ritual of the Returned - FOIL
Rollick of Abandon - FOIL
Rotted Hulk - FOIL
Rouse the Mob - FOIL
Sage of Hours - FOIL
Satyr Grovedancer - FOIL
Satyr Hoplite - FOIL
Scourge of Fleets - FOIL
Setessan Tactics - FOIL
Sightless Brawler - FOIL
Sigiled Skink - FOIL
Sigiled Starfish - FOIL
Silence the Believers - FOIL
Skybind - FOIL
Skyspear Cavalry - FOIL
Solidarity of Heroes - FOIL
Spawn of Thraxes - FOIL
Spirespine - FOIL
Spite of Mogis - FOIL
Spiteful Blow - FOIL
Squelching Leeches - FOIL
Starfall - FOIL
Stonewise Fortifier - FOIL
Stormchaser Chimera - FOIL
Strength from the Fallen - FOIL
Supply-Line Cranes - FOIL
Swarmborn Giant - FOIL
Temple of Epiphany - FOIL
Temple of Malady - FOIL
Tethmos High Priest - FOIL
Thassa's Devourer - FOIL
Thassa's Ire - FOIL
Thoughtrender Lamia - FOIL
Tormented Thoughts - FOIL
Triton Cavalry - FOIL
Triton Shorestalker - FOIL
Twinflame - FOIL
Underworld Coinsmith - FOIL
War-Wing Siren - FOIL
Whitewater Naiads - FOIL
Wildfire Cerberus - FOIL
Worst Fears - FOIL
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