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Acidic Slime - FOIL
Act of Treason - FOIL
Adaptive Automaton - FOIL
Aegis Angel - FOIL
Aether Adept - FOIL
Alabaster Mage - FOIL
Alluring Siren - FOIL
Amphin Cutthroat - FOIL
Angel's Feather - FOIL
Angel's Mercy - FOIL
Angelic Destiny - FOIL
Arachnus Spinner - FOIL
Arachnus Web - FOIL
Arbalest Elite - FOIL
Archon of Justice - FOIL
Armored Warhorse - FOIL
Assault Griffin - FOIL
Auramancer - FOIL
Autumn's Veil - FOIL
Aven Fleetwing - FOIL
Azure Mage - FOIL
Belltower Sphinx - FOIL
Benalish Veteran - FOIL
Birds of Paradise - FOIL
Blood Ogre - FOIL
Blood Seeker - FOIL
Bloodlord of Vaasgoth - FOIL
Bloodrage Vampire - FOIL
Bonebreaker Giant - FOIL
Bountiful Harvest - FOIL
Brindle Boar - FOIL
Brink of Disaster - FOIL
Buried Ruin - FOIL
Call to the Grave - FOIL
Cancel - FOIL
Carnage Wurm - FOIL
Celestial Purge - FOIL
Cemetery Reaper - FOIL
Chandra's Outrage - FOIL
Chandra's Phoenix - FOIL
Chandra, the Firebrand - FOIL
Chasm Drake - FOIL
Child of Night - FOIL
Circle of Flame - FOIL
Combust - FOIL
Consume Spirit - FOIL
Coral Merfolk - FOIL
Crimson Mage - FOIL
Crown of Empires - FOIL
Crumbling Colossus - FOIL
Cudgel Troll - FOIL
Dark Favor - FOIL
Day of Judgment - FOIL
Deathmark - FOIL
Demon's Horn - FOIL
Demystify - FOIL
Devouring Swarm - FOIL
Diabolic Tutor - FOIL
Disentomb - FOIL
Distress - FOIL
Divination - FOIL
Divine Favor - FOIL
Djinn of Wishes - FOIL
Doom Blade - FOIL
Doubling Chant - FOIL
Dragon's Claw - FOIL
Dragonskull Summit - FOIL
Drifting Shade - FOIL
Drowned Catacomb - FOIL
Druidic Satchel - FOIL
Dungrove Elder - FOIL
Duskhunter Bat - FOIL
Elite Vanguard - FOIL
Elixir of Immortality - FOIL
Elvish Archdruid - FOIL
Fiery Hellhound - FOIL
Fireball - FOIL
Firebreathing - FOIL
Flameblast Dragon - FOIL
Flashfreeze - FOIL
Flight - FOIL
Fling - FOIL
Fog - FOIL
Forest - FOIL
Frost Breath - FOIL
Frost Titan - FOIL
Furyborn Hellkite - FOIL
Garruk's Companion - FOIL
Garruk's Horde - FOIL
Garruk, Primal Hunter - FOIL
Giant Spider - FOIL
Gideon Jura - FOIL
Gideon's Avenger - FOIL
Gideon's Lawkeeper - FOIL
Glacial Fortress - FOIL
Gladecover Scout - FOIL
Goblin Arsonist - FOIL
Goblin Bangchuckers - FOIL
Goblin Chieftain - FOIL
Goblin Fireslinger - FOIL
Goblin Grenade - FOIL
Goblin Piker - FOIL
Goblin Tunneler - FOIL
Goblin War Paint - FOIL
Gorehorn Minotaurs - FOIL
Grand Abolisher - FOIL
Grave Titan - FOIL
Gravedigger - FOIL
Greater Basilisk - FOIL
Greatsword - FOIL
Griffin Rider - FOIL
Griffin Sentinel - FOIL
Grim Lavamancer - FOIL
Guardians' Pledge - FOIL
Harbor Serpent - FOIL
Hideous Visage - FOIL
Honor of the Pure - FOIL
Hunter's Insight - FOIL
Ice Cage - FOIL
Incinerate - FOIL
Inferno Titan - FOIL
Island - FOIL
Jace's Archivist - FOIL
Jace's Erasure - FOIL
Jace, Memory Adept - FOIL
Jade Mage - FOIL
Kite Shield - FOIL
Kraken's Eye - FOIL
Lava Axe - FOIL
Levitation - FOIL
Lifelink - FOIL
Lightning Elemental - FOIL
Llanowar Elves - FOIL
Lord of the Unreal - FOIL
Lure - FOIL
Lurking Crocodile - FOIL
Mana Leak - FOIL
Manabarbs - FOIL
Manalith - FOIL
Manic Vandal - FOIL
Master Thief - FOIL
Merfolk Looter - FOIL
Merfolk Mesmerist - FOIL
Mesa Enchantress - FOIL
Mighty Leap - FOIL
Mind Control - FOIL
Mind Rot - FOIL
Mind Unbound - FOIL
Monomania - FOIL
Mountain - FOIL
Naturalize - FOIL
Negate - FOIL
Oblivion Ring - FOIL
Onyx Mage - FOIL
Overrun - FOIL
Pacifism - FOIL
Pentavus - FOIL
Peregrine Griffin - FOIL
Personal Sanctuary - FOIL
Phantasmal Bear - FOIL
Phantasmal Dragon - FOIL
Phantasmal Image - FOIL
Plains - FOIL
Plummet - FOIL
Ponder - FOIL
Pride Guardian - FOIL
Primeval Titan - FOIL
Primordial Hydra - FOIL
Quicksilver Amulet - FOIL
Rampant Growth - FOIL
Reassembling Skeleton - FOIL
Reclaim - FOIL
Redirect - FOIL
Reverberate - FOIL
Rites of Flourishing - FOIL
Roc Egg - FOIL
Rootbound Crag - FOIL
Royal Assassin - FOIL
Rune-Scarred Demon - FOIL
Runeclaw Bear - FOIL
Rusted Sentinel - FOIL
Sacred Wolf - FOIL
Scepter of Empires - FOIL
Scrambleverse - FOIL
Sengir Vampire - FOIL
Serra Angel - FOIL
Shock - FOIL
Siege Mastodon - FOIL
Skinshifter - FOIL
Skywinder Drake - FOIL
Slaughter Cry - FOIL
Smallpox - FOIL
Solemn Simulacrum - FOIL
Sorin Markov - FOIL
Sorin's Thirst - FOIL
Sorin's Vengeance - FOIL
Sphinx of Uthuun - FOIL
Spirit Mantle - FOIL
Stampeding Rhino - FOIL
Stave Off - FOIL
Stingerfling Spider - FOIL
Stonehorn Dignitary - FOIL
Stormblood Berserker - FOIL
Stormfront Pegasus - FOIL
Sun Titan - FOIL
Sundial of the Infinite - FOIL
Sunpetal Grove - FOIL
Sutured Ghoul - FOIL
Swamp - FOIL
Swiftfoot Boots - FOIL
Taste of Blood - FOIL
Tectonic Rift - FOIL
Thran Golem - FOIL
Throne of Empires - FOIL
Time Reversal - FOIL
Timely Reinforcements - FOIL
Titanic Growth - FOIL
Tormented Soul - FOIL
Trollhide - FOIL
Turn to Frog - FOIL
Unsummon - FOIL
Vampire Outcasts - FOIL
Vastwood Gorger - FOIL
Vengeful Pharaoh - FOIL
Visions of Beyond - FOIL
Volcanic Dragon - FOIL
Wall of Torches - FOIL
Warpath Ghoul - FOIL
Warstorm Surge - FOIL
Worldslayer - FOIL
Wring Flesh - FOIL
Wurm's Tooth - FOIL
Zombie Goliath - FOIL
Zombie Infestation - FOIL
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