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Accursed Spirit - FOIL
Act on Impulse - FOIL
Aegis Angel - FOIL
Aeronaut Tinkerer - FOIL
Aetherspouts - FOIL
Aggressive Mining - FOIL
Ajani Steadfast - FOIL
Ajani's Pridemate - FOIL
Altac Bloodseeker - FOIL
Amphin Pathmage - FOIL
Ancient Silverback - FOIL
Avacyn, Guardian Angel - FOIL
Avarice Amulet - FOIL
Back to Nature - FOIL
Battle Mastery - FOIL
Battlefield Forge - FOIL
Belligerent Sliver - FOIL
Black Cat - FOIL
Blastfire Bolt - FOIL
Blood Host - FOIL
Boonweaver Giant - FOIL
Borderland Marauder - FOIL
Brawler's Plate - FOIL
Bronze Sable - FOIL
Brood Keeper - FOIL
Burning Anger - FOIL
Cancel - FOIL
Carnivorous Moss-Beast - FOIL
Carrion Crow - FOIL
Caustic Tar - FOIL
Caves of Koilos - FOIL
Centaur Courser - FOIL
Chandra, Pyromaster - FOIL
Charging Rhino - FOIL
Chasm Skulker - FOIL
Chief Engineer - FOIL
Child of Night - FOIL
Chord of Calling - FOIL
Chronostutter - FOIL
Circle of Flame - FOIL
Clear a Path - FOIL
Cone of Flame - FOIL
Congregate - FOIL
Constricting Sliver - FOIL
Coral Barrier - FOIL
Covenant of Blood - FOIL
Crippling Blight - FOIL
Crowd's Favor - FOIL
Crucible of Fire - FOIL
Cruel Sadist - FOIL
Darksteel Citadel - FOIL
Dauntless River Marshal - FOIL
Devouring Light - FOIL
Diffusion Sliver - FOIL
Dissipate - FOIL
Divination - FOIL
Divine Favor - FOIL
Divine Verdict - FOIL
Elvish Mystic - FOIL
Encrust - FOIL
Endless Obedience - FOIL
Ensoul Artifact - FOIL
Ephemeral Shields - FOIL
Eternal Thirst - FOIL
Evolving Wilds - FOIL
Feast on the Fallen - FOIL
Feral Incarnation - FOIL
Festergloom - FOIL
First Response - FOIL
Flesh to Dust - FOIL
Forest - FOIL
Forge Devil - FOIL
Foundry Street Denizen - FOIL
Frenzied Goblin - FOIL
Frost Lynx - FOIL
Fugitive Wizard - FOIL
Furnace Whelp - FOIL
Gargoyle Sentinel - FOIL
Garruk's Packleader - FOIL
Garruk, Apex Predator - FOIL
Gather Courage - FOIL
Geist of the Moors - FOIL
Generator Servant - FOIL
Genesis Hydra - FOIL
Glacial Crasher - FOIL
Goblin Kaboomist - FOIL
Goblin Rabblemaster - FOIL
Goblin Roughrider - FOIL
Gravedigger - FOIL
Grindclock - FOIL
Hammerhand - FOIL
Haunted Plate Mail - FOIL
Heat Ray - FOIL
Heliod's Pilgrim - FOIL
Hoarding Dragon - FOIL
Hornet Nest - FOIL
Hornet Queen - FOIL
Hot Soup - FOIL
Hunt the Weak - FOIL
Hunter's Ambush - FOIL
Hushwing Gryff - FOIL
Hydrosurge - FOIL
Illusory Angel - FOIL
In Garruk's Wake - FOIL
Indulgent Tormentor - FOIL
Inferno Fist - FOIL
Inspired Charge - FOIL
Into the Void - FOIL
Invasive Species - FOIL
Invisibility - FOIL
Island - FOIL
Jace's Ingenuity - FOIL
Jace, the Living Guildpact - FOIL
Jalira, Master Polymorphist - FOIL
Jorubai Murk Lurker - FOIL
Juggernaut - FOIL
Kalonian Twingrove - FOIL
Kapsho Kitefins - FOIL
Kinsbaile Skirmisher - FOIL
Kird Chieftain - FOIL
Krenko's Enforcer - FOIL
Kurkesh, Onakke Ancient - FOIL
Lava Axe - FOIL
Leeching Sliver - FOIL
Life's Legacy - FOIL
Lightning Strike - FOIL
Liliana Vess - FOIL
Living Totem - FOIL
Llanowar Wastes - FOIL
Mahamoti Djinn - FOIL
Marked by Honor - FOIL
Mass Calcify - FOIL
Master of Predicaments - FOIL
Meditation Puzzle - FOIL
Mercurial Pretender - FOIL
Meteorite - FOIL
Midnight Guard - FOIL
Might Makes Right - FOIL
Military Intelligence - FOIL
Mind Rot - FOIL
Mind Sculpt - FOIL
Miner's Bane - FOIL
Mountain - FOIL
Naturalize - FOIL
Necrobite - FOIL
Necrogen Scudder - FOIL
Necromancer's Assistant - FOIL
Necromancer's Stockpile - FOIL
Negate - FOIL
Netcaster Spider - FOIL
Nightfire Giant - FOIL
Nightmare - FOIL
Nimbus of the Isles - FOIL
Nissa's Expedition - FOIL
Nissa, Worldwaker - FOIL
Ob Nixilis, Unshackled - FOIL
Obelisk of Urd - FOIL
Oppressive Rays - FOIL
Oreskos Swiftclaw - FOIL
Ornithopter - FOIL
Overwhelm - FOIL
Paragon of Eternal Wilds - FOIL
Paragon of Fierce Defiance - FOIL
Paragon of Gathering Mists - FOIL
Paragon of New Dawns - FOIL
Paragon of Open Graves - FOIL
Peel from Reality - FOIL
Perilous Vault - FOIL
Phyrexian Revoker - FOIL
Phytotitan - FOIL
Pillar of Light - FOIL
Plains - FOIL
Plummet - FOIL
Polymorphist's Jest - FOIL
Preeminent Captain - FOIL
Profane Memento - FOIL
Quickling - FOIL
Radiant Fountain - FOIL
Raise the Alarm - FOIL
Ranger's Guile - FOIL
Razorfoot Griffin - FOIL
Reclamation Sage - FOIL
Research Assistant - FOIL
Resolute Archangel - FOIL
Restock - FOIL
Return to the Ranks - FOIL
Roaring Primadox - FOIL
Rogue's Gloves - FOIL
Rotfeaster Maggot - FOIL
Rummaging Goblin - FOIL
Runeclaw Bear - FOIL
Sacred Armory - FOIL
Sanctified Charge - FOIL
Satyr Wayfinder - FOIL
Scrapyard Mongrel - FOIL
Scuttling Doom Engine - FOIL
Seismic Strike - FOIL
Selfless Cathar - FOIL
Sengir Vampire - FOIL
Seraph of the Masses - FOIL
Serra Angel - FOIL
Shadowcloak Vampire - FOIL
Shaman of Spring - FOIL
Shield of the Avatar - FOIL
Shivan Dragon - FOIL
Shivan Reef - FOIL
Shrapnel Blast - FOIL
Siege Dragon - FOIL
Siege Wurm - FOIL
Sign in Blood - FOIL
Sliver Hive - FOIL
Sliver Hivelord - FOIL
Solemn Offering - FOIL
Soul of Innistrad - FOIL
Soul of New Phyrexia - FOIL
Soul of Ravnica - FOIL
Soul of Shandalar - FOIL
Soul of Theros - FOIL
Soul of Zendikar - FOIL
Soulmender - FOIL
Spectra Ward - FOIL
Spirit Bonds - FOIL
Stab Wound - FOIL
Staff of the Death Magus - FOIL
Staff of the Flame Magus - FOIL
Staff of the Mind Magus - FOIL
Staff of the Sun Magus - FOIL
Staff of the Wild Magus - FOIL
Stain the Mind - FOIL
Statute of Denial - FOIL
Stoke the Flames - FOIL
Stormtide Leviathan - FOIL
Sunblade Elf - FOIL
Sungrace Pegasus - FOIL
Swamp - FOIL
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