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Agrus Kos, Wojek Veteran - FOIL
Auratouched Mage - FOIL
Autochthon Wurm - FOIL
Barbarian Riftcutter - FOIL
Bathe in Light - FOIL
Belltower Sphinx - FOIL
Benevolent Ancestor - FOIL
Birds of Paradise - FOIL
Blazing Archon - FOIL
Blockbuster - FOIL
Blood Funnel - FOIL
Bloodbond March - FOIL
Bloodletter Quill - FOIL
Boros Fury-Shield - FOIL
Boros Garrison - FOIL
Boros Guildmage - FOIL
Boros Recruit - FOIL
Boros Signet - FOIL
Boros Swiftblade - FOIL
Bottled Cloister - FOIL
Brainspoil - FOIL
Bramble Elemental - FOIL
Breath of Fury - FOIL
Brightflame - FOIL
Caregiver - FOIL
Carrion Howler - FOIL
Carven Caryatid - FOIL
Centaur Safeguard - FOIL
Cerulean Sphinx - FOIL
Chant of Vitu-Ghazi - FOIL
Char - FOIL
Chord of Calling - FOIL
Chorus of the Conclave - FOIL
Circu, Dimir Lobotomist - FOIL
Civic Wayfinder - FOIL
Cleansing Beam - FOIL
Clinging Darkness - FOIL
Cloudstone Curio - FOIL
Clutch of the Undercity - FOIL
Coalhauler Swine - FOIL
Compulsive Research - FOIL
Concerted Effort - FOIL
Conclave Equenaut - FOIL
Conclave Phalanx - FOIL
Conclave's Blessing - FOIL
Congregation at Dawn - FOIL
Consult the Necrosages - FOIL
Convolute - FOIL
Copy Enchantment - FOIL
Courier Hawk - FOIL
Crown of Convergence - FOIL
Cyclopean Snare - FOIL
Dark Confidant - FOIL
Dark Heart of the Wood - FOIL
Darkblast - FOIL
Devouring Light - FOIL
Dimir Aqueduct - FOIL
Dimir Cutpurse - FOIL
Dimir Doppelganger - FOIL
Dimir Guildmage - FOIL
Dimir House Guard - FOIL
Dimir Infiltrator - FOIL
Dimir Machinations - FOIL
Dimir Signet - FOIL
Disembowel - FOIL
Divebomber Griffin - FOIL
Dizzy Spell - FOIL
Dogpile - FOIL
Doubling Season - FOIL
Dowsing Shaman - FOIL
Drake Familiar - FOIL
Dream Leash - FOIL
Drift of Phantasms - FOIL
Dromad Purebred - FOIL
Drooling Groodion - FOIL
Dryad's Caress - FOIL
Duskmantle, House of Shadow - FOIL
Elves of Deep Shadow - FOIL
Elvish Skysweeper - FOIL
Empty the Catacombs - FOIL
Ethereal Usher - FOIL
Excruciator - FOIL
Eye of the Storm - FOIL
Faith's Fetters - FOIL
Farseek - FOIL
Festival of the Guildpact - FOIL
Fiery Conclusion - FOIL
Firemane Angel - FOIL
Fists of Ironwood - FOIL
Flame Fusillade - FOIL
Flame-Kin Zealot - FOIL
Flash Conscription - FOIL
Flickerform - FOIL
Flight of Fancy - FOIL
Flow of Ideas - FOIL
Followed Footsteps - FOIL
Forest - FOIL
Frenzied Goblin - FOIL
Galvanic Arc - FOIL
Gate Hound - FOIL
Gather Courage - FOIL
Gaze of the Gorgon - FOIL
Ghosts of the Innocent - FOIL
Glare of Subdual - FOIL
Glass Golem - FOIL
Gleancrawler - FOIL
Glimpse the Unthinkable - FOIL
Goblin Fire Fiend - FOIL
Goblin Spelunkers - FOIL
Golgari Brownscale - FOIL
Golgari Germination - FOIL
Golgari Grave-Troll - FOIL
Golgari Guildmage - FOIL
Golgari Rot Farm - FOIL
Golgari Rotwurm - FOIL
Golgari Signet - FOIL
Golgari Thug - FOIL
Goliath Spider - FOIL
Grave-Shell Scarab - FOIL
Grayscaled Gharial - FOIL
Greater Forgeling - FOIL
Greater Mossdog - FOIL
Grifter's Blade - FOIL
Grozoth - FOIL
Guardian of Vitu-Ghazi - FOIL
Halcyon Glaze - FOIL
Hammerfist Giant - FOIL
Helldozer - FOIL
Hex - FOIL
Hour of Reckoning - FOIL
Hunted Dragon - FOIL
Hunted Horror - FOIL
Hunted Lammasu - FOIL
Hunted Phantasm - FOIL
Hunted Troll - FOIL
Incite Hysteria - FOIL
Indentured Oaf - FOIL
Induce Paranoia - FOIL
Infectious Host - FOIL
Instill Furor - FOIL
Island - FOIL
Ivy Dancer - FOIL
Junktroller - FOIL
Keening Banshee - FOIL
Last Gasp - FOIL
Leashling - FOIL
Leave No Trace - FOIL
Life from the Loam - FOIL
Light of Sanction - FOIL
Lightning Helix - FOIL
Lore Broker - FOIL
Loxodon Gatekeeper - FOIL
Loxodon Hierarch - FOIL
Lurking Informant - FOIL
Mark of Eviction - FOIL
Master Warcraft - FOIL
Mausoleum Turnkey - FOIL
Mindleech Mass - FOIL
Mindmoil - FOIL
Mnemonic Nexus - FOIL
Moldervine Cloak - FOIL
Molten Sentry - FOIL
Moonlight Bargain - FOIL
Moroii - FOIL
Mortipede - FOIL
Mountain - FOIL
Muddle the Mixture - FOIL
Necromantic Thirst - FOIL
Necroplasm - FOIL
Netherborn Phalanx - FOIL
Nightguard Patrol - FOIL
Nightmare Void - FOIL
Nullmage Shepherd - FOIL
Nullstone Gargoyle - FOIL
Oathsworn Giant - FOIL
Ordruun Commando - FOIL
Overgrown Tomb - FOIL
Overwhelm - FOIL
Pariah's Shield - FOIL
Peel from Reality - FOIL
Peregrine Mask - FOIL
Perilous Forays - FOIL
Perplex - FOIL
Phytohydra - FOIL
Plague Boiler - FOIL
Plains - FOIL
Pollenbright Wings - FOIL
Primordial Sage - FOIL
Privileged Position - FOIL
Psychic Drain - FOIL
Putrefy - FOIL
Quickchange - FOIL
Rain of Embers - FOIL
Rally the Righteous - FOIL
Razia's Purification - FOIL
Razia, Boros Archangel - FOIL
Recollect - FOIL
Remand - FOIL
Reroute - FOIL
Ribbons of Night - FOIL
Rolling Spoil - FOIL
Roofstalker Wight - FOIL
Root-Kin Ally - FOIL
Sabertooth Alley Cat - FOIL
Sacred Foundry - FOIL
Sadistic Augermage - FOIL
Sandsower - FOIL
Savra, Queen of the Golgari - FOIL
Scatter the Seeds - FOIL
Scion of the Wild - FOIL
Screeching Griffin - FOIL
Searing Meditation - FOIL
Seed Spark - FOIL
Seeds of Strength - FOIL
Seismic Spike - FOIL
Selesnya Evangel - FOIL
Selesnya Guildmage - FOIL
Selesnya Sagittars - FOIL
Selesnya Sanctuary - FOIL
Selesnya Signet - FOIL
Sell-Sword Brute - FOIL
Sewerdreg - FOIL
Shadow of Doubt - FOIL
Shambling Shell - FOIL
Shred Memory - FOIL
Siege Wurm - FOIL
Sins of the Past - FOIL
Sisters of Stone Death - FOIL
Skyknight Legionnaire - FOIL
Smash - FOIL
Snapping Drake - FOIL
Sparkmage Apprentice - FOIL
Spawnbroker - FOIL
Spectral Searchlight - FOIL
Stasis Cell - FOIL
Stinkweed Imp - FOIL
Stone-Seeder Hierophant - FOIL
Stoneshaker Shaman - FOIL
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