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Abrupt Decay - FOIL
Aerial Predation - FOIL
Angel of Serenity - FOIL
Annihilating Fire - FOIL
Aquus Steed - FOIL
Archon of the Triumvirate - FOIL
Archweaver - FOIL
Armada Wurm - FOIL
Armory Guard - FOIL
Arrest - FOIL
Ash Zealot - FOIL
Assassin's Strike - FOIL
Auger Spree - FOIL
Avenging Arrow - FOIL
Axebane Guardian - FOIL
Axebane Stag - FOIL
Azor's Elocutors - FOIL
Azorius Arrester - FOIL
Azorius Charm - FOIL
Azorius Guildgate - FOIL
Azorius Justiciar - FOIL
Azorius Keyrune - FOIL
Batterhorn - FOIL
Bazaar Krovod - FOIL
Bellows Lizard - FOIL
Blistercoil Weird - FOIL
Blood Crypt - FOIL
Bloodfray Giant - FOIL
Blustersquall - FOIL
Brushstrider - FOIL
Call of the Conclave - FOIL
Cancel - FOIL
Carnival Hellsteed - FOIL
Catacomb Slug - FOIL
Centaur Healer - FOIL
Centaur's Herald - FOIL
Chaos Imps - FOIL
Chemister's Trick - FOIL
Chorus of Might - FOIL
Chromatic Lantern - FOIL
Chronic Flooding - FOIL
Civic Saber - FOIL
Cobblebrute - FOIL
Codex Shredder - FOIL
Collective Blessing - FOIL
Common Bond - FOIL
Concordia Pegasus - FOIL
Conjured Currency - FOIL
Corpsejack Menace - FOIL
Counterflux - FOIL
Coursers' Accord - FOIL
Cremate - FOIL
Crosstown Courier - FOIL
Cryptborn Horror - FOIL
Cyclonic Rift - FOIL
Daggerdrome Imp - FOIL
Dark Revenant - FOIL
Dead Reveler - FOIL
Deadbridge Goliath - FOIL
Death's Presence - FOIL
Deathrite Shaman - FOIL
Desecration Demon - FOIL
Destroy the Evidence - FOIL
Detention Sphere - FOIL
Deviant Glee - FOIL
Dispel - FOIL
Doorkeeper - FOIL
Downsize - FOIL
Drainpipe Vermin - FOIL
Dramatic Rescue - FOIL
Dreadbore - FOIL
Dreg Mangler - FOIL
Drudge Beetle - FOIL
Druid's Deliverance - FOIL
Dryad Militant - FOIL
Dynacharge - FOIL
Electrickery - FOIL
Epic Experiment - FOIL
Essence Backlash - FOIL
Ethereal Armor - FOIL
Explosive Impact - FOIL
Eyes in the Skies - FOIL
Faerie Impostor - FOIL
Fall of the Gavel - FOIL
Fencing Ace - FOIL
Firemind's Foresight - FOIL
Forest - FOIL
Frostburn Weird - FOIL
Gatecreeper Vine - FOIL
Giant Growth - FOIL
Gobbling Ooze - FOIL
Goblin Electromancer - FOIL
Goblin Rally - FOIL
Golgari Charm - FOIL
Golgari Decoy - FOIL
Golgari Guildgate - FOIL
Golgari Keyrune - FOIL
Golgari Longlegs - FOIL
Gore-House Chainwalker - FOIL
Grave Betrayal - FOIL
Grim Roustabout - FOIL
Grisly Salvage - FOIL
Grove of the Guardian - FOIL
Growing Ranks - FOIL
Guild Feud - FOIL
Guttersnipe - FOIL
Hallowed Fountain - FOIL
Havoc Festival - FOIL
Hellhole Flailer - FOIL
Heroes' Reunion - FOIL
Horncaller's Chant - FOIL
Hover Barrier - FOIL
Hussar Patrol - FOIL
Hypersonic Dragon - FOIL
Inaction Injunction - FOIL
Inspiration - FOIL
Island - FOIL
Isperia's Skywatch - FOIL
Isperia, Supreme Judge - FOIL
Izzet Charm - FOIL
Izzet Guildgate - FOIL
Izzet Keyrune - FOIL
Izzet Staticaster - FOIL
Jace, Architect of Thought - FOIL
Jarad's Orders - FOIL
Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord - FOIL
Judge's Familiar - FOIL
Keening Apparition - FOIL
Knightly Valor - FOIL
Korozda Guildmage - FOIL
Korozda Monitor - FOIL
Launch Party - FOIL
Lobber Crew - FOIL
Lotleth Troll - FOIL
Loxodon Smiter - FOIL
Lyev Skyknight - FOIL
Mana Bloom - FOIL
Martial Law - FOIL
Mercurial Chemister - FOIL
Mind Rot - FOIL
Minotaur Aggressor - FOIL
Mizzium Mortars - FOIL
Mizzium Skin - FOIL
Mountain - FOIL
Necropolis Regent - FOIL
New Prahv Guildmage - FOIL
Niv-Mizzet, Dracogenius - FOIL
Nivix Guildmage - FOIL
Nivmagus Elemental - FOIL
Oak Street Innkeeper - FOIL
Ogre Jailbreaker - FOIL
Overgrown Tomb - FOIL
Pack Rat - FOIL
Palisade Giant - FOIL
Paralyzing Grasp - FOIL
Perilous Shadow - FOIL
Phantom General - FOIL
Pithing Needle - FOIL
Plains - FOIL
Precinct Captain - FOIL
Psychic Spiral - FOIL
Pursuit of Flight - FOIL
Pyroconvergence - FOIL
Racecourse Fury - FOIL
Rakdos Cackler - FOIL
Rakdos Charm - FOIL
Rakdos Guildgate - FOIL
Rakdos Keyrune - FOIL
Rakdos Ragemutt - FOIL
Rakdos Ringleader - FOIL
Rakdos Shred-Freak - FOIL
Rakdos's Return - FOIL
Rakdos, Lord of Riots - FOIL
Rest in Peace - FOIL
Righteous Authority - FOIL
Risen Sanctuary - FOIL
Rites of Reaping - FOIL
Rix Maadi Guildmage - FOIL
Rogue's Passage - FOIL
Rootborn Defenses - FOIL
Rubbleback Rhino - FOIL
Runewing - FOIL
Savage Surge - FOIL
Search the City - FOIL
Search Warrant - FOIL
Security Blockade - FOIL
Seek the Horizon - FOIL
Selesnya Charm - FOIL
Selesnya Guildgate - FOIL
Selesnya Keyrune - FOIL
Selesnya Sentry - FOIL
Seller of Songbirds - FOIL
Sewer Shambler - FOIL
Shrieking Affliction - FOIL
Skull Rend - FOIL
Skyline Predator - FOIL
Skymark Roc - FOIL
Slaughter Games - FOIL
Slime Molding - FOIL
Slitherhead - FOIL
Sluiceway Scorpion - FOIL
Slum Reaper - FOIL
Soul Tithe - FOIL
Soulsworn Spirit - FOIL
Spawn of Rix Maadi - FOIL
Sphere of Safety - FOIL
Sphinx of the Chimes - FOIL
Sphinx's Revelation - FOIL
Splatter Thug - FOIL
Stab Wound - FOIL
Stealer of Secrets - FOIL
Steam Vents - FOIL
Stonefare Crocodile - FOIL
Street Spasm - FOIL
Street Sweeper - FOIL
Sundering Growth - FOIL
Sunspire Griffin - FOIL
Supreme Verdict - FOIL
Survey the Wreckage - FOIL
Swamp - FOIL
Swift Justice - FOIL
Syncopate - FOIL
Tablet of the Guilds - FOIL
Tavern Swindler - FOIL
Teleportal - FOIL
Temple Garden - FOIL
Tenement Crasher - FOIL
Terrus Wurm - FOIL
Thoughtflare - FOIL
Thrill-Kill Assassin - FOIL
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